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GCP - Cloud Digital Leader - Part 0

By Marco Ludeña
Published in GCP
December 13, 2022
3 min read

GCP has more than 200 services.

  • this exam expects knowledge of 40+ Services
  • Exam test your decision making habilities:
    • Which service do you choose in which situation?
    • This course is designed to help you make these choices
    • Our Goal: Help

What is GCP ?

  • One of the TOP 3 cloud service providers.
  • Provides a number of services ( 200+ )
  • Reliable , secure and highly performant.(Infrastructure that powers 8 famous services with over 1 billion users: Gmail , Google Search, Youtube, etc).
  • The cleanest cloud : Net carbon-neutral cloud (electricity used matched 100% with renewable energy).

GCP - Cloud Digital Leader (Around 40 services)

Section 1: Getting started- GCP

  • Create our google cloud account: Requirements :
    1. Gmail account
    2. A debit or credit card  
    1. Login into your google account 
    2. Go to cloud.google.com
    Section 2: Regions and Zones in GCP (Conceptos generales de cloud)
    1. Challenges in any application:
      - High Latency
      - Low availability
    2. GCP provides 20+ regions around the world .
      - Region: Specific geographical location to host your resourcess .
        - Advantages:
          - High Availability
          - Low Latency
          - Global Footprint
          - Adhere to goverment regulations
       - Zones: Each region have multiple zones .
           - Each Region has three or more zones
           - Increased availability and fault tolerance within same region.
           - Each zone has one or more discrete clusters
             - Cluster: Distinct physical infrastructure that is housed in a data center.

Section 3 : Compute Engine , Instance Groups & Load Balancing

- GCE - Google Compute Engine -GCE (Lab01: Creating your first Virtual Machine in GCP)
- Web servers , GCE VM IP Addresses, Custom Images (Lab02: Installing HTTP Webserver on GCE Virtual Machine)
- Preemptible VMs
- Load Balancers

Section 4 Managed Services- IAAS , PAAS and SAAS in GCP (Conceptos generales de cloud)

- Containers and Container Orchestation
- Serverless
- Shared Model Responsability.

Section 5 Exploring GCP Compute Services

- Google APP Engine (GAE): Environment standard and flexible
- Lab (GAE)
- GAE- App , Services and Versions.
- GAE - Service Categories- Scenarios
- Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- Lab: Creating a GKE Cluster
- GKE : Create a deployment and a Service
- GKE: Scaling Deployments and Resizing Node Pools
- GKE: Kubernetes Journey - Autoscaling
- GKE: Delete GKE Service , Deployment and Cluster.
- Google Cloud Functions V2
- Google Cloud Run and Anthos V2
- GCP Conpute services

Section 6: Block , File and Object Storage in GCP

- Block and File Storage in GCP
- Cloud Storage
- Transfering data to cloud - online , Transfer Service and Transfer

Section 7: Databases in Google Cloud

- OLTP Relational Databases in Google Cloud - Cloud SQL & Cloud Spanner
- Lab: Playing with Cloud SQL
- Lab: Playing with Cloud Spanner v2
- OLAP Relational Database in Google Cloud- BigQuery
- NoSql Databases in Google Cloud- Firestore , Datastore and BigTable
- Lab : Playing with Firestore
- In memory Database in Google Cloud - MemoryStore

Section 8: Cloud IAM

- Roles 
- Service Accounts
- Lab: Playing with Service Accounts

Section 11: Devops

- CI/CD Global Concepts

Section 12: Building Loosely Coupled Applications with Cloud Pub Sub

- Asyncronus Communication (Global Concept) 
- Cloud Pub Sub
- Lab : Playing with Cloud Pub Sub v2
- DataFlow

Section 13: Google Cloud Architecture for Cloud Digital Leader

- Big Data Flow Batch Ingest
- Streaming Data
- Data lakes
- Exploring API Management- Apigee, Endpoints , API Gateway
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 
- ML in Google Cloud  - Pre trained Models
- ML in Google Cloud - Custom Models
- Faster ML in Google Cloud - TPUs

Section 14: Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

- Infraestructure Modernization with GCP
- Application Modernization with GCP
- Business Platform with GCP


Section 15: Cost Management in GCP

- Consumption based vs Fixed price Pricing Models
- GCP Pricing Calculator
- GCP Cost Management

Database Categories:

There are several categories of databases:

  • Relational(OLTP and OLAP) , Document , KeyValue , Graph , In Memory among others.
  • Choosing type of database for your use case is not easy . A few factors:
    • Do you want a fixed schema?
    • Do you want flexibility in defining and changing your schema? (schemaless)
    • What level of transaction properties do you need? (atomicity and consistency).
    • What kind of latency do you want ?(seconds , milliseconds or microseconds)
    • How many transactions do you expect?(Hundreds or thousands or millions of transactions per second )
    • How much data will be stored ? (Mbs or GBs or TBs or PBs)
    • And a lot more …

Relational Database:

  • This was the only option until a decade back!
  • Most popular(or unpopular) type of databases
  • Predefined schema with tables and relationships
  • Very strong transactional capabilities (In a simple transactions we can make many updates , is all or nothing ) . Good for example for banking.
  • Used for :
    • OLTP (Online transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytics Processing)

Relational Database -OLTP (Online Transaction Processing:

  • Applications where large number of users make large number of small transactions: (Small data reads , updates and deletes)
  • Use cases: Most traditional applications, ERP , CRM , e-commerce , banking ,applications.
  • Popular databases (MySQL , Oracle , SQL Server, etc)
  • Cloud SQL : Supports PostgreSQL , MySQL and SQL Server for regional relational databases (upto a few TBs - 64 if is dedicated or 3 if is shared)
  • Cloud Spanner : Unlimited scale(multiple PBs) and 99.9999% availability for global applications with horizontal scaling.

Lab: Playing with Cloud SQL

  1. Enable the API for the first time

  2. Create the instance, the database and table and populate it .

  3. Execute some sql queries inside the cloud shell

  4. Exploring monitorization (CPU utilization , Storage usage , Memory usage)

  5. Checking the machine type , storage type (SS ord HDD) , Storage Capacity , Conectivity (private IP or Public IP) , Automated Backups(Window of time and the storage option could be regional or multiregional , also define the number of automated backups are stored at a time ). By default is enabled the point-in-time recovery , that allows you to recover data from a specific time

    Lab: Playing with Cloud Spanner

  6. Enable the Cloud Spanner API

  7. Configurations :

  • Could be regional or multiregional
  • Allocate compute capacity: (Units(could be node (1K unit processing) or unit processing ).
  1. Once the instance has been created , we could create the database . Here we could add a DDL template Example

    CREATE TABLE Users( UserId INT64 NOT NULL, Username STRING(1024) ) PRIMARY KEY (UserId);

  • Now choose the table , and can create Indexes or execute execute query
  1. You can use dbeaver to interact with cloud Spanner (https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/exploring-cloud-spanner-data-dbeaver/)

  2. Import/Export , we have many options:

  • Dataflow jobs (import/export)
  • Using Cloud Storage to export

Relational Database -OLAP (Online Analytics Processing):

  • Applications allowing users to analyze petabytes of data
    • Examples: Reporting applications, Data ware houses , Business intelligence applications , Analytics systems
    • Sample application: Decide insurance premiums analyzing data from last hundred years.
    • Data is consolidated from multiple (transactional) databases
  • Big Query: Petabyte-scale distributed data ware house

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What's Next in GCP for us in 2022?
Marco Ludeña

Marco Ludeña

AWS Architect


Data Engineer Handbook
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